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Beginners Guides

Taking Paintball to the Next Level



man in green and brown camouflage uniform holding rifle

Numerous tactics can be utilized to improve your paintball skills and take your game to the next level. This article will explore issues like the practice of Overshooting in paintball, the use of hiding and stealth strategies, and the benefit of changing how you use bunkers. Implementing these tactics can substantially increase your chances against other players and enhance your involvement in the sport. The advice offered is easy to implement and is intended to significantly elevate your proficiency in paintball.

Overshooting in Paintball

Overshooting is a term used in paintball to describe a player’s excessive use of paintballs. It may also be known as “bonus balling,” “ramping,” “lighting up,” or “disregarding opponent safety.” In some cases, overshooting can result in a player’s elimination.

Paintball and airsoft rules prohibit overshooting. Shooting more than 350 FPS with either type of paintballs or BBs is considered overshooting. When this happens, players are disqualified from the game and may lose their privileges to play. In most cases, a player will be ejected if he violates these rules multiple times.

It’s important to remember that all players should wear protective eyewear and face shields while in the field. If you are having difficulty wearing your mask, it is essential to seek assistance from the referee. This rule is simple and easy to understand. It prevents players from shooting each other past the limit set by the game rules. Players should avoid overshooting, but remember that a single hit will end the game.

Paintball referees are in charge of enforcing this rule. If you are in the field of play, make sure to call “out” or “hit” when you have been hit. If you do not see the referee, call out the paint check. The nearest referee will check the player as quickly as possible. If you have been hit and cannot see it, the referee will not call you out if you are still in the game.


There are many different terms used in paintball. Some of the terms are neologisms that come from the game or gamer or military culture. Paintball terminology differs from field to field, so you must familiarize yourself with the local jargon.

Taking Cover

You can do a few things to take your paintball cover game to the next level. The most important thing is always to be prepared. When shooting from cover, you should expose as little of your body as possible. You should only expose your head, gun, and a few inches of your body behind your cover. This allows you to take side and back shots of your opponents easily. It is essential that you avoid overexposing yourself or you will get hit.

Another tip for taking paintball cover to the next level is to stand behind a barricade. When you are behind a barricade, you need to ensure your upper body is solid, with your gun tightly gripped. Then, roll your body out sideways and quickly retract to cover. Repeat this movement as often as you can to reduce the likelihood of being shot. You should also vary your height and angle to reduce your opponents’ chance of being seen.

Taking Stealth

While an aggressive approach to paintball can work in the short term, a diversionary or stealthy approach is always the most effective. Stealthy tactics are all about hiding and blending in with your surroundings. If you don’t know how to hide, you may miss an opportunity to take action or set yourself up as an easy target.

To improve your stealthy paintball play, you need to learn how to blend in with your opponents and use hand signals to communicate your position. Avoid shouting out moves because this will alert your opponent and may even lead to an ambush. You also need to be aware of the conditions of your environment. Be aware of the wind, rain, and other factors affecting your stealth tactics. You also need to wear clothing that does not make noise. Wearing noise clothing will alert your opponents and give them an advantage over you.


One of the most important tips for taking stealth paintball to the next level is always to review your surroundings when moving around the battleground. While it’s tempting to run and duck for cover, you need to watch other players. If you’re trying to avoid a possible paintball kill, don’t use your mouth for breathing because your mask might fog up. Instead, crouch down and take a look around. This is a crucial part of paintball tactics that can make or break your paintball game.

Another tip for taking stealth paintball to the next level is to keep your gun ready while running. The gun should be held securely in your hand, so you can shoot a target without being spotted. When running, you should aim for a point ahead of you. This will keep you out of reach of the attacker and save you time.

Getting a Chronograph

Paintball chronographs are a vital part of any paintballer’s equipment arsenal. Whether you play on a field or in the safety of your own home, a chronograph is an indispensable piece of paintball gear. You can get a chronograph that’s reliable and durable or a cheaper and less recognizable alternative.

A paintball chronograph is a relatively small piece of equipment with a similar size and weight to a gun. You can carry it easily with you on the field. However, remember that different models may have additional features, increasing size and weight. When comparing paintball chronograph products, it is essential to consider the features you want and the amount of money you’re willing to spend.

Chronographs can be purchased separately, or you can get one that works with your paintball guns. Using a chronograph will improve your speed and safety. It measures the speed of the paintball gun and makes it easier to keep within field limits. It’s not uncommon for field owners to ask players to chrono their markers, so that they can remain within the safety range of the field.


A good chronograph will help you improve your reloading technique and improve your shots’ quality. A good choice is the Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph G2, which has Bluetooth functionality and an easy-to-read dial. Other reliable options include the Competition Electronics ProChrono Digital Chronograph, which measures the projectile velocity accurately. And for those who want to get a real-time data log, the MagnetoSpeed V3 Ballistic Chronograph is a popular choice.

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Is Paintball CO2 Food Grade?




Primarily, it’s crucial to recognize that food-grade CO2 incurs a higher price, and replenishing your tank with this variety of CO2 demands extra procedures. The tank’s interior must be meticulously cleaned and sterilized prior to its reuse. Generally, this quality of CO2 is accessible only through an exchange method, and the expense for each refill will be significantly more than what you’d encounter with standard CO2.

Compressed CO2

If you are thinking about purchasing paintballs, you may be wondering whether compressed paintball CO2 is food grade. There are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing paintball CO2. First, make sure that the paintball CO2 you purchase is of the highest quality. It should meet the minimum requirements of the Food and Drug Administration. Second, it should not be contaminated or contain any contaminants, so you’ll have peace of mind that your paintball CO2 is completely safe to consume.

You should also make sure that the CO2 in the paintball marker is of food grade. The higher the grade, the better. Make sure you re-test your tank every five years or so. If you have a tank that’s older than five years, you might want to purchase a new one. You can get a refill at a welding supply store or a fire extinguisher supply store. Another advantage of CO2 tanks is that they’re inexpensive and can last for a full day of play. Also, CO2 tanks are compact and will give you more shots than compressed air.

Food grade CO2

While most CO2 used in paintball guns is food grade, it’s still not perfect. Some of the paintball CO2 in a paintball gun can contain lead. The lead can come from the paintball gun itself or from the CO2 tank’s fittings. Fortunately, most food grade paintball CO2 is made with stainless or aluminum fittings.

This type of CO2 is commonly found in paintball markers and tanks. It is also used to carbonate drinks, preserve food, and make dry ice. When you purchase paintball CO2, make sure that the label says “food grade”. There are two kinds of CO2: welding and beverage grade. Both of these gases are considered food grade because they meet FDA standards.



Paintball CO2 has a number of issues. One of the biggest problems is the expansion of Co2 from liquid to gas. The expansion rate is about 75degF to 23degC, but this can be affected by colder weather. Moreover, when Co2 cools down significantly, liquid nitrogen forms. This causes the PSI to drop.

In addition, improper handling of compressed air can compromise the performance of your paintball gun and endanger yourself. Also, paintball tanks are engineered for a specific type of gas. It is not safe to use compressed air in a Co2 tank. The following are some tips that can help you choose the right paintball gas.

FDA standards

While the FDA hasn’t set specific standards for paintball CO2, paintball tanks can be filled with CO2 that has met the standards set forth in the United States. These standards cover all types of paintball co2 tanks, from recreational to industrial. While some companies offer paintball tanks that are FDA-approved, others do not. It is recommended to consult an expert before filling paintball tanks with CO2.

Paintball markers have a wide variety of different pressure requirements and may be less reliable when filled with liquid CO2. CO2 is a natural gas, which means that it cools when it expands. This can affect performance and accuracy. If you’re not careful, liquid CO2 can leak into your paintball marker, causing pressure spikes and dry ice in the barrel.


There are two main types of paintball markers. One uses HPA, the other uses CO2 gas. Both types of paintball markers can be refilled at a paintball field. Many paintball fields offer unlimited refills for a small daily fee. Others charge a flat rate for each fill, usually $5 or $10. Some paintball fields have started moving away from CO2, and offer compressed air instead. This type of paintball gun is more affordable and easier to use for players.


CO2 tanks are less expensive than HPA tanks and typically yield the same or more shots per fill. They are also easier to find. Several gas/welding supply shops, fire extinguisher shops, and sporting goods stores stock CO2 tanks for paintball players. Because CO2 tanks are inexpensive, players can easily own several tanks.

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Pain From Paintball and Airsoft




Next on the agenda, when you jump into a round of paintball or airsoft, don’t forget, it’s not all just laughs and high fives. Those speedy paintballs and airsoft pellets can really sting, giving you some serious welts. Airsoft may sound less intense, but don’t let that trick you; those tiny pellets can dish out some big bruises.

Pain caused by paintballs

Airsoft and paintballs are two types of pellets that can cause a lot of pain. While airsoft pellets tend to be smaller and less painful, paintballs can be much larger and carry more energy. Because of this, players need to keep their distance and practice safety on the battlefield.

The most common injury caused by paintballs and airsoft is bruising. Most bruises heal within a few days, but they are often more painful if they hit a sensitive area. Some people have even died after being hit with paintballs. This is why wearing protective gear is a must.

The best way to protect yourself from the pain caused by paintballs and airsoft is to wear protective clothing. Make sure to wear thick pants and long-sleeved shirts. You can also wear protective gloves and padded wrists and thighs. Wearing protective clothing can help you avoid serious pain, but don’t go too overboard. It’s also wise to make sure you have a protective mask or helmet.

Pain caused by paintballs and airsoft is very real and intense. The eyes are the most sensitive part of our body, and even a small amount of paint can cause significant damage.


Pain caused by being hit in close range

While you may not think about pain while playing paintball when you are out in the open, being hit by a paintball at close range can be very painful. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the pain. The first step is to keep your distance from the gun and to make sure that you are wearing appropriate clothing and padding. The more protective clothing you wear, the less likely you are to get hit, and the more protective padding you have, the less likely you will be to experience pain.

If you’re playing paintball outdoors, be aware of the temperature of the area. During the summer months, the temperature can rise significantly, and wearing too many layers can result in dehydration. However, paintball clothing is designed to be breathable while also providing protection. Staying far away from the enemy can also help to minimize the pain of paintball hits, as paintball velocity decreases when the target is far away.

The amount of pain caused by being hit at close range varies from person to person. In general, the pain is not excruciating, and it depends on where you get hit and how you get hit. It can be anywhere from a welt or bruise.

Pain caused by airsoft pellets

When you’re playing airsoft, the pellets you fire can cause significant pain. It all depends on where they hit and how far they travel. In general, shots to the neck, face, and groin will hurt more than shots to other parts of the body. Fortunately, full face shields and gloves can protect your hands and fingers.

In addition to wearing protective gear, players should also use eye protection to prevent injury. While protective gear can reduce the chances of injury, protective gear is not always a viable option. Wearing ear protection and wearing a helmet can also minimize airsoft pain. As with all sports, it is also helpful to be aware of your surroundings while playing airsoft.


While serious injuries are rare in airsoft fields, if you get hit by an airsoft pellet, you may have to wear a splint to protect your skin. This type of injury is not very pleasant and may require a period of time to heal. To prevent a splint from causing more damage, make sure you wear protective gear and calibrate your airsoft gun before you start playing.

Pain caused by airsoft pellets varies, from mild to intense. It all depends on how you play and your personal tolerance for pain. While airsoft is less painful than paintball, it may still cause pain to your eyes. Remember that the size of your airsoft pellets affects the amount of pain they cause.

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Paintball Magazines




Publications dedicated to paintball offer a wide range of details on the sport, including gun reviews, event news, and profiles of pro players, establishing them as essential reading for beginners. Many premier paintball magazines extend their coverage to include areas like video gaming, fashion, and health. Furthermore, Action Pursuit Games magazine delivers a comprehensive collection of events and stories, making it a worthwhile subscription for readers.

Mag-fed paintball is more realistic

Mag-fed paintball offers a more realistic paintball experience. It encourages more tactical play by requiring more frequent reloading and a deeper understanding of the position of your opponents. You need to assess each other’s positions more carefully and every shot must be precise. It’s a great option for advanced players who want to play in an environment that rewards accuracy over high rates of fire. The drawback is that mag-fed paintball is more expensive than traditional hopper-fed paintball matches.

Mag-fed paintball is more realistic because the paint is fed into the gun through a magazine instead of a hopper. Many leading manufacturers use similar technologies to produce these paintball guns. Mag-fed markers also have a dual feed option, which makes switching from magfed to hopper feed easier.

Mag-fed paintball is also safer. The paintballs in a Mag-fed match don’t cause additional pain when struck. However, it’s important to note that a paintball may still sting a little after being struck, so bring protective gear and a mask if possible.

Mag-fed paintball also allows you to carry more paintballs than hopper-fed paintball. You can have up to 25 paintballs in a single magazine, making every shot count. Mag-fed paintball guns can also be more expensive, so you may need to upgrade your gear more often.


Mag-fed paintball allows players to be more realistic in a way that reflects real life. It uses realistic paintball guns and tactical gear, including smoke and paint grenades. This means that you can be more realistic and immersed in the MilSim experience. You can also use a magazine-fed paintball marker if you’re new to the sport.

Mag-fed paintball has gained in popularity in recent years. A number of companies have jumped into the game. Some of the leading brands, like Umarex, have created unique magfed paintball guns. The Umarex line features a wide range of magfed paintball shotguns, carbines, and air cartridges.

Mag-fed paintball markers are more realistic than hopper-fed ones. The magazine-fed marker uses spring-loaded pressure to feed paintballs. It’s more realistic and adds to the excitement in a scenario paintball game. However, they can be more expensive than hopper-fed paintball guns.

Mag-fed paintball markers are the best option for beginner players. They are easier to use and operate than traditional markers and have the advantage of infinite customization. Many brands offer extra parts that can be easily upgraded. Mag-fed markers can be configured into G36 battle rifles, UMP carbines, and universal submachine guns, or can be configured to resemble an AK47 pattern marker.

Mag-fed paintball guns can be a great option for tactical training. These paintball guns can be customized with tactical sights, scopes, and other upgrades.


It’s cheaper to manufacture

Most paintball markers have hoppers above the barrel of the gun. It’s cheaper to manufacture paintball magazines in this way, as there are fewer moving parts. This type of marker is popular with hire sites. Some paintball markers have cyclone feed systems, which make it easier to fill them with paint.

It’s more strategic

Mag-fed paintball is a popular new play style, and it uses a different loading mechanism. It’s preferred by some players, since it provides a more realistic experience. This style is also slightly more expensive than traditional hopper-fed paintball matches. Here’s why: Mag-fed paintball allows players to be more strategic. It requires frequent reloading, so you can’t rely on high rates of fire.

Magazines for paintball usually have a limited capacity. Mag-fed guns require additional space for magazines and the magazines can be expensive. While they may be less expensive initially, the cost of buying more magazines is likely to add up over time. In addition, Mag-fed guns are more visually appealing, but they also require more storage space.

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